Do you want a cookie?

2005-06-06, 10:39 a.m.

Ryan Seacrest is kinda... not horrible on the Regis and Kelly show. He's guest-hosting for Regis and, uh, he's doing a WAY better job than Jeff Probst did last week. Ahem. And now you all know what I do with my mornings. I know. I hate to disappoint, but I'm not practising my ninja moves in the living room. I do that in the kitchen. More surfaces to bounce my nimble body off of. Next up: Ellen.

I'm anticipating a long, harrowing day of work today. So when I come home, I think I'm going to bake cookies. That's what I do when I'm stressed. I bake. You shoulda seen how much food we had when I was unemployed and living with my parents. Like, tons of baked goods. But that's mainly because I had access to unlimited ingredients since my mom was baking for the farmer's market.

I don't get involved when SHE'S baking because, well, she scares me. She's got everything pre-measured and there's not even a recipe anymore because she knows her shit so well. I am more... whimsical in my cooking. I think I learned that from my dad. When my mom wasn't around, like she went out for coffee or meetings or something, he'd let me make cookies he called "Slop Nuggets" and they were basically, whatever we wanted. Unappatizing to anybody who isn't an 8-year-old kid.

My favourite cookies are chocolate chip peanut butter. And then I have a peanut butter cookie with a glass of milk and a piece of old, sharp, cheddar cheese. Mmmm.... I wrote this entire thing as a pre-amble to remind myself to put a piece of apple in with my brown sugar so it'll be soft when I get home from my day of hell.

Anyway, please note that I now have these shiney comments at the bottom of the entry here. So please, tell me who you are. Soon, I will have my notify and site tracker up and working as well. Then, the images. Yep. I'm working towards perfection people.

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