Call me, John Krasinski! I mean that!

2006-05-29, 12:37 a.m.


So, like, I'm clicking through some e-mail the other day and I see a bunch of stuff from site-meter. They're the nice people who tell me how many of you come read this page.

And despite the fact that I have not updated in, oooooh, forever, you all keep coming here. And by and large, you find me by searching for the words "geek chic" which was always my intention. The "sex with your mom" and "how much do shrooms cost" crowd has tapered off somewhat, and I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that. I miss you, my sweet, sweet freaks! Come back!

To get here, you use a variety of search engines and though I and everybody in my general world uses Google, I beg you all to check out simply because I realized the other day that the spokesperson, the one who does the voiceovers in their commercials, is John Krasinski.

Who is John Krasinski you ask? Why he is the broad-jawed, smiling, goofy-hot, tall drink of water who plays Jim Halpert on NBC's the Office and who wants to be my boyfriend. Oh yes he does! YES! Does too! Does too! Does -- Yuh-huh! Does too -- SHUT UP! This is MY blog and I will be the judge of whether or not John Krasinski is sending me secret messages of love, okay? Right then. The rest of you can just look away because I'm going to address Mssr. Krasinski directly now.


So John Krasinski, I have plugged your show and your commercial to the 50-or-so people who read this site on a near-daily basis. You're welcome. I bet you're asking yourself what you can do for me in return. Well, I can think of a few things (insert saucy wink here).

WHAT? I was going to say, um, changing that light-bulb for me without using a ladder, and, uh, getting that big pot down from the top shelf so I can make some soup and... yeah. Nobody is believing this, are they? Okay. All right. You caught me. I want sexual favours. Lots of 'em.

Am I kidding? Yes. Ha-ha-ha! Hooooo! Heh.


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