Stay away from my house! Don't make me get the hose you rotten kids!

2002-10-31, 5:07 p.m.

Happy Hellowe'en boils and ghouls!

Ahhh! I never get tired of those crypt-keeper jokes!

Halloween has always been my favourite holiday and I personally think that we should all get the day off to watch scary movies and the stephen king biography that's on and carve pumpkins and the like.

This year, I think I'm about Halloweened out. I work in a mall across from a store that sells costumes. So all month, it's been kind of crazy with people running out dressed as cows and star trek people and princess leia and the ghostface killer from scream and 50s greaser chicks. Very distracting, but often funny. Like the one little girl who was NOT going to take off her costume and ran up and down the mall screaming no no no no no no no no no no!!! at the top of her lungs. Ahhh, good times!

Remember when you were little and went trick or treating and when you tried to stretch it that one year and go out in your parka with a pillow case full of tricking implements and there was that one house where the people sort of squinted at you and said "You're too old!" so you egged their house and toilet papered their tree? Yeah. I'm one of those people now. Please don't soap my windows or egg my car. I beg you. I know I live in a bad neighborhood but this costume thing, I'm drawing the line.

I'm sorry homeslice, but your board doktor jacket just isn't cutting it. In fact, it's very lame. At least put a paper bag over your head and say you're the host of the Gong Show ferchrissakes. If you have no imagination and are no fun, then you're not gettin' no candy, simple as that.

Besides, that means more mini chocolate bars for me!

Those tiny caramilk bars are sooooooo good. If they made them that size I would eat them all year and so would Booker. He promised he wouldn't and then he did. Eat all the candy that is.

I am reading: Homicide. Still. Harry Potter the second. Still. They're both thoroughly enjoyable.

I am watching: The Laramie Project and the St. Francisville Experiment. tonight. Right after Survivor. And Buffy. I watch too much tv.

I am loving: My coffee cup from Starbucks. I know, evil corporation, but the big giant mug! It's great!

I am dreading: Carving that second pumpkin. I carved a picture of my boss into a pumpkin for the office last night. Took forever even though I had pre-scraped the walls and everything. And I gut my thumb quite badly. Booker wanted me to go to the emergency and get stitches, but nah.

I am loving: The new season of Buffy. At least, the last episode. Yay Anya! Be human! It's fun! Most of the time!

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