Saddle up my hoss. . .

2005-01-18, 8:18 p.m.

Cause I'm moving to cow town!

Ooooh, girl!

I got that jay oh bee I was talking about last time! Now I get to move to a major Canadian city! That should be fun as the biggest city I've ever lived in was Saskatoon.

Now I get to hang with my friends
Gripper and Cher.

Now I get to make a living wage.

Now I get to pay off bills.

Now I get to learn how to better do a job I love.

Now I get to find a new place to live.

Now I get to move a cat three hours.

Now I get to go shopping for clothes.

Now I get to go to a gym.

Now I get to move my career forward.

Now I get to see more concerts.

Now I get to cross one thing off my list of things to do in 2005 (ie: get better job at major daily paper in big city)

So I'll be working on the entertainment desk at the Calgary Sun.

And I've also finally managed to find a computer that works (thanks to gripper) and when I move to Calgary, I'll hook up some high speed and things will be grand. I'll be connected and can seriously start coming up with something funny to write about.


The weather in southern Alberta is such a bitch. I'm going insane! First, it was cold. Sooooo cold. Like, 50 below zero cold. Yeah. Cold. And now, we're having this amazing chinook and it's like, plus seven.

That means as soon as this snow melts, I can go running again! And the snow will melt. I don't know if anybody who reads this will know about a chinook, but basically, they're really warm winds that swoop in and melt all the snow in, like two days, leaving a slushy, gritty soup on the streets. Your shoes are muddy and messy and you want to cry about all the stupid litter that you see poking out of the snow.

Hello people! Hold on to your Tim Horton's coffee cups until you get to a place with a garbage can! What are they? A rare and dying breed? There's one every few feet probably! So try not to chuck it out the window of your moving car! And you smokers! I'm not going to tell you to not smoke, because I know how you hate that (though you really should quit smoking, eh?) but could you puh-leeeease not throw your cigarette butts on the ground? Is that too much to ask?


CSI has been getting gross lately. But you know what's not gross? How hot Warrick is. Seriously. I could watch Warrick process evidence for DAYS. Especially if they made him do it shirtless.

What I don't like about this show is that they're all "Hey! This time it's personal!" What with Sarah now apparently a foster child or with a sister who was a foster child and ooooh, boo-hoo! Now we know why she has so many prooooblems and hey, writers! This is dumb! I don't tune in to this show for the personal lives of the people in it. I tune in for the cool evidence camera tricks, the hot boys and the CSI procedural. So quit thinking I need the case to be related to the investigator to be involved in it! And also, more shirtless Warrick, if you please.

text Stitch 'N Bitch Nation. I'm learning slowly how to knit. Who knew there was so much math involved? Maybe knitting will be my salvation as far as math is concerned.
tunes Ian Tyson. He's coming here Thursday.
tube I actually got a call from the cable company asking if I wanted in on a sweet deal. I said yes and I would've had all the cable channels plus free installation, plus free internet. Of course, now I'm only going to enjoy it for a week.

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