Thanks world.

2002-09-13, 3:03 p.m.

What to say?

It's all been said. And so much better than I could. I'm a writer, but on this I have been strangely silent. I wrote a column regarding September 11th and the media's horrible, horrible reaction to the anniversary (there has to be a better word). Which is to say, some networks (not all) have been showing those planes. Crashing into those towers. Again. And Again. And some more. Because I didn't see it enough last year.

Never heard of a moment of silence ya big freaks?

Every day I thank my lucky stars I didn't go into television news. I couldn't handle taking orders to "get some victims crying. With kids. And kittens. And crying kids with kittens if you can. And man, if those kittens aren't crying too, it's your job! NOW GO!" I mean, God! There's a limit. I know people think the press is the devil, but Jiminy! There are things I won't do!

Unfortunately, not going to the Peace Gardens on September 11th is not one of them.

I went. The drive down took an hour. I was not thinking about questions I would ask. I was not thinking about being frightened (even though I kinda sorta was). I was not thinking about anything other than "I live in a beautiful country. I am blessed and nine kinds of lucky and there are a lot of things I'm thankful for." So I thought I would take some time to list some of them here.

1. Green. It rained a lot here this year and all the trees are green and the wheatfields are golden and gorgeous. And Canada's prairies are something special aren't they? So many people who live here take for granted that you can look over a field of waving wheat and see the horizon where the sun kisses the wheat like a mother kisses her child.

2. Kids. Watching the choirs was a little bit painful, because they were so -SO- out of tune, but hey, they're kids. I'm not holding them up to American Idol standards. But they sang with their hearts. And I know I'm going to heaven for saying so. I can only hope there aren't choirs of little kids singing with their hearts there. Oh. I'm going to hell now, aren't I? Where was I? Oh yes. Kids. Watching them frolic and cavort and run and jump was great. And it was nice to see that they weren't holding anything back. I don't like to watch little kids mourn. They showed their respect, were quiet at the appropriate times and then went to jump in the creek, smell the flowers, skip rocks and catch frogs. Ah, frog catchin'. Good times. Good times.

3. Books. I love reading. I love libraries. They're so homey and quiet. Whenever I go into one, this almost church-like reverence comes over me. Anyway, books. They smell good, they feel good, they look good. Books. They're what's for dinner. Reading is great. I love it. I think I'll go to the library and get some this weekend. And I'll read and eat grapes.

4. Coffee. Spicy and aromatic. Nothing tastes better than a good cup of brazilian joe in the morning! I like it when it's piping hot on a cold winter morning. I do not like it when I spill it on my lap while driving. Forget Starbucks. A local chain called Forbidden Flavours makes it just fine. And it's waaaayyy cheaper. I like it when I can walk into a place and order my "usual."

5. Booker. He's really a good guy. I'm really enjoying living with him because he gives as good as he gets. I hate it when people are pushovers. And he's totally not. Also, he's self sufficient and a Buffy fan. If he weren't taken, I would, uh...take him? No. I wouldn't. He's like my brother. Only he has better taste in music.

6. Ummmmm...there's more. I know this. Uhhhh, the fine people at Money's. They make a mean veggie burger. I had one last night. With ketchup.

7. Ketchup. Condiments in general. When I was in high school, they called me the Condiment Queen. I liked my sauces.

And that's about it right now. There are more things, but I didn't want to get too fluffy. Tomorrow: A list of things I hate.

I am listening to: My evil downloaded music. None of which is Metallica. Ya hear that Lars? You suck. When I get home, I will listen to Queens of the Stone Age. On loan from Pat.

I am reading: A whore just like the rest by Richard Meltzer. I agree with pretty much everything he says. I'm such a curmudgeon. At 23. Sad.

I am loving: Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream. Yum! Pecans.

I am feeling: Good. Great actually, considering I'm not done my work and it's five minutes to quittin' time.

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