
2003-10-03, 3:26 p.m.

So I was all geared up for this pissy entry about how nobody loved me and everybody hated me and I was going to go eat worms and...then things started to work out.

My paycheque was larger than I thought it would be, so I celebrated by paying my electricity bill, e-mailed a paper I freelanced for about my pay and where the hell was it and accidentally dropped the phone bill behind the refridgerator which I will find in approximately three weeks and exclaim "There it is! I've been meaning to pay this!"

So yeah. Things are working out. I guess.

However, I am very tired of not having any hot water in my kitchen and I grow weary of the heat in my apartment. There's no shut off valve on my radiator and I'm just boiling because it's doing that thing outside where it's sort of nippy in the morning and hot in the afternoon and sunny all the time so there's no fucking reason to have the heat jacked to 11, is there apartment manager? IS THERE??? I have no thermostat because the super pays the heat so the super controls the heat. I'm hoping there aren't going to be too many problems in the winter.

Now, perspective-wise, I realize that hauling hot water from my bathtub to my kitchen sink is not THAT big a deal, that there are children starving in the Sudan and what all, but guess what? Children starving in the Sudan are not paying $500 a month in rent for a hot stanky apartment with no hot water and no closets. If they were, there'd be riots!

So when I went to pay my rent (three days late) I was hoping that my landlord would be like "Oh, don't worry about that $50 late charge, seeing as how you're living in a dive." But nooooo....I was so mad.

I'll cool off with a crunch through the leaves. It'll be fun! Leaves! Crunchy! Fall! Sweaters! We all know how I like those things.

Tunes: Blues Monsters: Compilation

Tube: CSI dvds

Pages: Jack the Ripper: Case Closed by Patricia Cornwell

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