Into the ether

2004-03-12, 7:02 p.m.

Well fuck. I had a great entry lined up about a trip to the dentist I took when I was five that has scared me for life, but the computer ate it and now you'll all never know why I ended up screaming at the top of my lungs when I tried to eat a donut and ended up in the hospital having oral surgery so a doctor could pull off the improperly inserted spacer I had put in by an orthodontist who slapped me across the face because he thought I was being hysterical, when really, the spacer had pinched a piece of my skin together and ended up making my mouth a fetid swamp of decay and rot and puss.

And that's why I haven't been to the dentist in almost six years.

The end.

Life is going pretty well. As always, I could use more money and more free time, but what the hey. Isn't that always the case?

I've been attempting to give up buying new CDs for lent. It isn't going so well cause I saw an import of the Nuggets Garage rock collection from Rhino at HMV and am really, really, really wanting to buy it. But I can't! Bad Tanis!

I culled some more CDs last week for some monies. The gamer nerd who runs the Tramps store here has been very good to me as far as buying my crappy used CDs and not pointing out that they're all drilled or marked cuz I got em when I was still actively reviewing albums and you're not supposed to resell them.

We're having a big party tomorrow to say goodbye to one of the photographers who is leaving for Australia in a week. I'll miss him. He's made working nights seem not so bad. I don't know what we're going to do now that we have only one photographer.

The party should be fun. We're doing a potluck supper. I don't know what to bring. I seriously have no idea. I mean, I don't have much to bring. I was thinking about making a lemon merangue pie from scratch as I just bought flour and sugar and stuff the other day. I'd only need some shortening and some lemons. But it's a lot of work and I don't think I can do it myself. Of course, if I do end up doing it, I'd be feared and reviled for my pie-making skills. I'm not kidding either. Y'all would simply cry if you saw (and tasted) what I can do with some lemons and a pie crust. Hmmm...I think I'd need corn starch too.

Well, I'm in an internet cafe right now and should probably get going. But just in case you were curious, the last thing looked up on Google on this computer was "vaginal infections" nice. I'm glad I'm sitting here, that's for sure!

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