Some people call me a space cowboy

2004-09-03, 12:17 a.m.

Another short one. This will have to tide you over because I am tired you guys. Sooooooo tired.

I've been running around doing extra work so I can leave without leaving my new boss high and dry when I go on vacation next week.

Oh. Yeah. My new boss. I forgot to mention that I went out last weekend and got myself promoted with a raise.

So I no longer work nights. Sort of. Tonight, I work nights because I took over from a guy who either quit or was fired, depending upon who I talk to and I keep getting people coming into the office all "Hi, is Tom there?" And I have to say "Uh, no. Tom....resigned." And of course they're all "Oh, well he promised us he'd write a feature/interview us/lick our bums for us." And then I have to write a feature/interview them/lick their bums.

But I don't mind because really, what person in their right mind would complain about being the entertainment reporter?

That's right. Not only did I score a new job, but I scored a cool new job that I LOVE. I could do this in my SLEEP, y'all! I'll update more when I get home to Centreville.

Tube: Canadian Idol. I know, it's stupid, but I just...can' GOOOOOO KALAN! FRODO 4 IDOL!

Tunes: Bjork's new one.

Text: God, about 14 books at once again. O. Henry's short stories.

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