Brr. Yawn. Sniffle.

2002-09-06, 8:27 a.m.

Reasons why I would like to still be in my bed:

1. I'm tired. I was here late and I'm sick of the stupid place that I work not y'know, giving me time off for the overtime that I work considering I don't get paid for it.

2. It's raining. I like to lay in bed til noon, dozing off and on, and reading Calvin and Hobbes comic books. And then I'd make a big pot of tea and play some Free Cell or mind sweeper. And then I would just lay around some more, twirling my hair and staring at the ceiling, thinking. I like to do that.

3. I'm cold. I would put my flannel sheets on my bed and warm up my wheat bag in the microwave and warm up my tootsies and pull my big, fluffy comforter up over my head.

4. There really are no other reasons, except that I like to to sleep. It's one of my favourite things to do. I'm a marathon sleeper. And I'm a night owl. I like to be active in the night and sleep during the day.

5. I'm not feeling well. Just a general malaise. Headache, sniffles, sore throat. The usual cold and flu symptoms. I hate DayQuil. Why do they have DayQuil? Like seriously, why do I need to be alert to be sick? I want to be tired and sleepy and hepped up on goofballs. Is that too much to ask? Why do people insist on trying to make me work when I'm sick? Why do some people feel the need to come in to work when they're sick? Like, if they're gone for ONE day, the whole enterprise just falls apart? Like without you and your germs, work stops and your fellow employees sit around and look at each other like "Where is she? What will we do?" No. Life goes on around you. And that's what I really like. Watching the world turn, while I sit on my bed and go through a box of kleenex and several dozen packets of Neo-citron.

I am eating: Nothing. But I'm busily digesting a cherry-cheese danish. Mmmm....cheese.

I am reading: The Fametracker Big Brother forums.

I am listening to: The goon behind me mangle yet another phone interview. How did this guy get hired?

I am drinking: Columbian Coffee. Hot.

I am in love with: My new car. I want to marry it and have its babies.

I am feeling: Impatient. I'm waiting for my CD from the Great Fametracker CD Swap. I know I live in Canada and I know it's a long way and I know both postal systems suck, but I want some new tunes!

I hate: Nickleback.

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